1.Wu SC, XL Peng, KC Cheung, SL Liu, MH Wong (2009). Adsorption kinetics of Pb and Cd by two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Biores Technol 100:4559-4563.
2.Wei X, SC Wu, XP Nie, A Yediler, MH Wong (2009). The effects of residual tetracycline on soil enzymatic activities and plant growth. J Environ Sci Health B 44: 461-471.
3.Tsang HL, SC Wu, CKC Wong, CKM Leung, S Tao, MH Wong (2009). Risk assessment of dioxin levels in human tissues related to major food items based on chemical analyses and EROD assay. Environ Int l35: 1040-1047.
4.Gao Y1, Wu SC1, Yu XZ, Wong MH* (2010) Dissipation gradients of phenanthrene and pyrene in the rice rhizosphere. Environ Pollut 158: 2596-603. (co-first author)
5.Deng D, Wu SC, Wu FY, Deng H, Wong MH (2010) Effects of root anatomy and Fe plaque on arsenic uptake by rice seedlings grown in solution culture. Environ Pollut 158: 2589-95.
6.Xing GH, Wu SC, Wong MH (2010) Dietary exposure to PCBs based on food consumption survey and food basket analysis at Taizhou, China – The World’s major site for recycling transformers. Chemosphere 81:1239-44.
7.Wu SC1, Wong CC1, Shu WS, Khan AG, Wong MH (2011). Mycorrhizo-remediation of lead/zinc mine tailings using vetiver: a field study. Int J Phytorem 13: 61-74. (co-first author)
8.Wu FY, Yu XZ, Wu SC, Wong MH (2011). Phenanthrene and pyrene uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize and their dissipation in soil. J Hazard Mater 187: 341- 347
9.Liang P, Shao DD, Wu SC, Shi JB, Wu FY, Lo SCL, Wang WX, Wong MH (2011) The influence of mariculture on mercury distribution in sediments and fish around Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China waters. Chemosphere 82: 1038-1043
10.Tsang HL, Wu SC, Leung CKM, Tao S, Wong MH (2011) Body burden of POPs of Hong Kong residents, based on human milk, maternal and cord serum. Environ Int 37:142-151
11.Yu XZ, Wu SC, Wu FY, Wong MH (2011) Enhanced dissipation of PAHs from soil using mycorrhizal ryegrass and PAH-degrading bacteria. J Hazard Mater 186: 1206-1217.
12.Wu FY, Wan JHC, Wu SC, Wong MH (2011) Effects of earthworms and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on availability of N, P and K in soil. J Plant Nutr Soil Sc. 175, 423–433.
13.Yu GB, Liu Y, Yu S, Wu SC, Leung AOW, Luo XS, Xu B, Li HB, Wong MH (2011) Inconsistency and comprehensiveness of risk assessments for heavy metals in urban surface sediments. Chemosphere 85:1080-1087. DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.07.039.
14.Shao DD, Wu SC, Liang P, Kang Y, Fu WJ, Zhao KL, Cao ZH, Wong MH (2012) A human health risk assessment of mercury species in soil and food around compact fluorescent lamp factories in Zhejiang Province, PR China. J Hazard Mater 221-222: 28–34.
15.Shao DD, Wu SC, Liang P, Kang Y, Fu WJ, Zhao KL, Cao ZH, Wong MH (2012) Effects of sulfate reducing bacteria and sulfate concentrations on mercury methylation in freshwater sediments. Sci Total Environ 424: 331–336.
16.Liang P, Wu SC, Li YC, Li HB, Yu GB, Yu S, Wong MH (2012) The effects of mariculture activities on the adsorption/desorption and chemical fractionations of mercury on sediments. Marine Pollut Bull 64: 836–843.
17.Wu FY, Hu JL, Wu SC, Wong MH (2013) Grain yield and arsenic uptake of upland rice inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in As-spiked soils. Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1440-9
18.Wu FY, Deng D, Wu SC, Lin XG, Wog MH (2013) Arsenic tolerance, uptake, and accumulation by nonmetallicolous and metallicolous populations of Pteris vittata L. Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1593-1